Happy Labor Day – Chamber office closed

Please check our website for any needed information. You may also view our Facebook pages for additional details: Visit Unicoi County – https://www.facebook.com/visitunicoicountytn/ Chamber of Commerce – https://www.facebook.com/ucchamber/ Apple Festival – https://www.facebook.com/UnicoiCountyAppleFestival/

Unicoi County Apple Festival

Downtown Erwin 100 South Main Avenue, Erwin, TN, United States

The Unicoi County Apple Festival, drawing more than 110,000 annual attendees, has been consistently named one of the Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 events in the southeast and is a three-year winner of the Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association’s Pinnacle Award. The 42nd annual festival will include over 350 arts and crafts vendors from around the […]

Happy Thanksgiving, Office Closed

Chamber of Commerce 100 S Main Ave, Erwin, United States

Please check our website for any needed information. You may also view our Facebook pages for additional details: Visit Unicoi County – https://www.facebook.com/visitunicoicountytn/ Chamber of Commerce – https://www.facebook.com/ucchamber/ Apple Festival – https://www.facebook.com/UnicoiCountyAppleFestival/